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Returning home
Our stay in Madang quickly came to an end and it was time to go back to Port Moresby for our flight home. Jack met up with us at the airport and took us to the hotel. The largest vacuum cleaners we have ever seen confronted us in the hotel lobby. Judging by the sound, they are extremely efficient - one can imagine how terrifying they must be for rainforest people.

In the evening, we had dinner with Jack. He seemed amused to hear about Laho and the other Miaru people. The next day Jack fetched the Norwegian car (no 47) outside Brian Bell & Co Pty. Ltd. Surprisingly enough, their generator recently broke down and Brian Bell Jr. asked us if we knew how to repair it. Luckily, Jack was in a hurry so the answer is still unknown.

472. Cas cas - Cassowary
While bush walking we did not see many animals, so Jack took us to the National Botanical Garden. The Gardens in PNG are deceptive places, not because of big Cas cas birds but because of high crime rate. (National Botanical Garden, Port Moresby)
484. Kokomo - Hornbill
Population growth and unplanned resource utilization, is reducing the number of animals in PNG. Still in the rainforest moving Kokomo sound like small steam engines and beautiful birds of paradise shout spooky screams when you least expect it.
486. Parliament Close-up
Suddenly we could not see Nicklas anymore. He had been with the guards and now they were gone. A worried Jack went to find him and after a while he came back with our devoted photographer. Touring on we went to see embassies and state buildings.
487. National Building
PNG is an independent parliamentary democracy within the British Commonwealth. The British monarch appoints a Governor General, recommended by the parliament, to represent him/her in PNG. A Prime Minister is elected by the parliament for each national election.
488. Elavo
At the dinner table the day before, Jack told us that he went through his initiation rites in the Miaru men's house, the Elavo. The PNG parliament building is constructed using the Elavo shape - a slanted three-dimensional triangle.
491. Heads
Jack left us at the souvenir shop while he went to finish business. In the corner, there were one of those horrible monster dresses that Jack told us were visible only when the Gods were displeased with a villager's behaviour.
493. Happy Birthdays
We went back to the hotel and thanked Jack for his help and for sharing Papua New Guinea. The next day Peter had arranged a birthday party for Anders and Linda. We really had to eat-harriap, pay and prepare for immediate boarding.
521. Home
Back in Sweden again, it was hot and humid. It was nothing though compared to the warmth of fantastic Papua New Guinea. (Sturup, Sweden)
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© 1999-2002  • Photos Nicklas Nordborg  • Texts Peter Waller and Thomas Nilsson